Distillers Grain
Distillers grains are a valuable co-product of the ethanol process. One bushel of corn produces 2.8 gallons of ethanol and approximately 17-18 pounds of distillers grains, which are high in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. With six operating ethanol plants, 825,000 tons of distillers grains are produced annually in Missouri. This livestock feed is equivalent to 30 million bushels of corn.

Missouri Corn is working closely with the University of Missouri and the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association to ensure livestock producers in the state have the knowledge and access to fully utilize distillers grains. As a way to help in the education process, the corn and cattle commodity groups partnered with the University of Nebraska to develop an informational publication explaining the various types of distillers grains, storage techniques and ration incorporation.
Missouri Corn is also working with a producer-led steering committee to evaluate and expand the distillers grains market in Missouri by developing a better distribution system. Meeting this goal will result in additional flexibility for Missouri livestock producers through greater accessibility to the high-quality feedstock and increased returns.
In partnership with the University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agriculture Program and the producer-led steering committee, Missouri Corn has produced a companion piece to the Storage of Wet Corn Co-Products publication. Titled Buying and Feeding Ethanol Co-Products to Beef Cattle in Missouri, this informational pamphlet outlines the various ethanol co-products available in the Show-Me State and contact information for the purchase of these products. Copies are available online or by calling (800) 827-4181.
Important Links:
Distillers Grains Technology Council
Fact Sheets for feeding distillers grains