Kuenzel Elected To Missouri Corn Board
(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.)—Dan Kuenzel of Washington, Mo., was recently elected to the Missouri Corn Merchandising Council board of directors. Kuenzel began his volunteer service to corn farmers effective Oct. 1.
“As growers, if we don’t pay attention and participate in what’s going on in the agriculture industry, the decisions made today could impact generations years from now,” Kuenzel said. “I have always tried to keep focused on Missouri and Mississippi River issues, but Missouri Corn is involved in every aspect of Missouri agriculture. It’s exciting to play a role in growing corn demand on a larger playing field that includes exports and ethanol.”
Kuenzel replaces Greg Schneider of Warrenton, Mo., on the MCMC board of directors. He will be nominated to the Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) board at the organization’s annual meeting in January.
“It is always good to add new growers to the board,” says incoming MCMC Chairman Jay Schutte of Benton City. “They bring fresh ideas and things we may not have thought about before. I hope they bring their voices. The worst thing you can do is be silent. We need all voices and ideas to keep moving the industry forward.”
The MCMC board of directors is comprised of 14 farmers elected from across the state. This volunteer board was formed in 1984 with the passage of a corn checkoff and is dedicated to market development, research, and education. To learn more, visit www.mocorn.org.
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