Missouri Corn Growers Share Priorities, Recognize Partners
(JEFFERSON CITY)—Corn farmers, industry representatives, and guests from across the state gathered in Jefferson City, Mo., yesterday for the Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) annual meeting and legislative day.
The morning kicked off at the Capitol Plaza Hotel with MCGA’s annual meeting, where Attorney General Andrew Bailey provided the keynote address. Members also reviewed financials, heard from industry leaders, and elected four board members: Addie Yoder of Leonard in District 3 representing northeast Missouri; Brice Fischer of Rich Hill to represent west-central Missouri growers in District 4; Brandon Thiel of Marshall to represent District 5 in central Missouri; and Will Hunter of Sikeston to represent District 7 in the southeast region.
Following the annual meeting and luncheon, growers visited the State Capitol to discuss the importance of Missouri’s corn and ethanol industries with legislators and their economic impact on the state.
“Like in farming, it takes a team coming together to ensure grower voices are heard on the issues that matter,” noted MCGA President Matt Lambert of Laclede. “While MCGA
keeps an eye on the day-to-day here in the Capitol, it is important growers share our story in the political space to help ensure the win.”
Members also took the opportunity to honor industry supporters for their contributions to the corn and ethanol industries. Award recipients included:
Friend of Corn Growers Award
State Rep. Dirk Deaton
State Rep. Ed Lewis
President’s Award
Congressman Sam Graves
Clint Stephens, Advance
Honorary Lifetime Award
Brent Hoerr, Palmyra
Years of Service
Brent Hoerr
Gary Porter, Mercer
Clint Stephens
The Missouri Corn Growers Association is a membership organization of farmers dedicated to growing and defending the corn industry. MCGA works in the best interest of farmers on key agricultural issues and fights for pro-agriculture, pro-corn legislation.
To learn more about Missouri Corn, or become a member, visit www.mocorn.org or call (800) 827-4181.
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Photo Caption: Missouri Corn Growers Association President Matt Lambert thanks growers and friends for attending the organization's annual meeting and sharing their stories with elected officials.
Photo Credit: Missouri Corn Growers Association

Photo Caption: Corn farmers from across the state converged in Jefferson City Wednesday, Jan. 29 for the Missouri Corn Growers Association Annual Meeting and Legislative Day where they met with elected officials to talk issues impacting rural Missourians.
Photo Credit: Missouri Corn Growers Association

Photo Caption: Missouri corn farmers meet with Sen. Jamie Burger during legislative visits where they discussed issues important to the state's farmers. Growers were in Jefferson City for the Missouri Corn Growers Association Annual Meeting and Legislative Day.
Photo Credit: Missouri Corn Growers Association