EPA’s Final Ethanol Rule Falls Short

Posted on: December 19, 2019

The following is a statement from Missouri Corn Growers Association President Mike Moreland regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) finalized rule detailing the 2020 Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) blending requirements.

“We are disappointed to see the final rule uses a three-year average of Department of Energy recommended waivers as the basis for 2020 small refinery exemptions rather than actual gallons waived by the EPA. While we’re in a better position today than where we were, this decision falls short in fixing the erroneous exemptions gifted to oil companies, which erode demand for corn-based ethanol and lower the value of our crop.

“We knew it was a long shot to move EPA once the ethanol rule was published in the Federal Register. But we also know it is our responsibility to hold the agency accountable for discrepancies in the proposed plan versus the president’s promise. Moving forward, corn growers will remain engaged in the rulemaking process and continue fighting for a strong renewable fuels sector in our state and across the U.S.”

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