White House Releases Highly Anticipated Ethanol Plan

Posted on: October 4, 2019

(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.)–The following is a statement from Missouri Corn Growers Association President Mike Moreland regarding today’s announcement to reallocate ethanol gallons and restore the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS):

“The Missouri Corn Growers Association would like to thank President Trump for following through on his promise to correct the small refinery exemptions erroneously granted by the EPA. It’s no secret corn farmers need every possible domestic and international market for our grain. We’ve worked hard to build an industry that not only provides drivers with a high performance, cleaner burning, renewable fuel, but also provides a local market for our corn. We will not stand by and allow a vital economic engine to be compromised or pushed aside at the whim of the entrenched oil industry.

“We are also grateful for the unified voice that came from corn farmers and ethanol supporters across Missouri and the Midwest who stood up to help right the wrong.  We did not let our foot off the gas when the news of the ethanol demand destruction was announced. Instead, we pushed back even harder. Just last week, Missouri Corn joined more than 20 corn grower associations, calling on the president to fulfill the 15 billion gallon ethanol requirement.   

“We weren’t asking for a deal. We were asking the EPA to follow the law and uphold the federal Renewable Fuel Standard. We will continue to do our part to ensure that happens as additional details are made available.”  

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