Warrenton Farmer Named Missouri Corn Chairman
(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.)—Greg Schneider of Warrenton, Mo., steps into the role of Missouri Corn Merchandising Council (MCMC) chairman effective Oct. 1. Elected during the organization’s August board meeting, Schneider succeeded Mike Moreland of Harrisonville, Mo.
Schneider previously served the state’s growers as MCMC vice chairman, secretary, and treasurer as well as Missouri Corn Growers Association vice president and secretary/treasurer. Schneider has also represented corn farmers nationally, previously serving on the National Corn Growers Association’s Bylaws Committee, Research & Business Development Action Team, and Corn Productivity and Quality Action Team as well as the U.S. Grains Council’s Middle East/Africa Advisory Team.
“I appreciate the opportunity to serve as chairman for the upcoming year, welcoming new board members and working alongside others on issues we see coming forward,” noted Schneider. “The Missouri Corn Merchandising Council works hard to expand markets and promote today’s industry. In the coming year, we will continue working closely with our partners at the U.S. Grains Council and U.S. Meat Export Federation to open new and protect existing markets for U.S. corn, ethanol, and distillers grains in other countries. We also look forward to promoting corn and exploring areas of growth here at home.”
The MCMC board of directors is comprised of 14 farmers elected from across the state. This volunteer board was formed in 1984 with the passage of a corn checkoff and is committed to market development, research, and education. To learn more about the corn industry in Missouri, visit www.mocorn.org.
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