Governor Signs Historic Farm Legislation Into Law

Posted on: June 8, 2019

(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.)–Missouri Corn Growers Association CEO Gary Marshall released the following statement after Gov. Mike Parson signed Senate Bill 391.

“We are proud to stand alongside Gov. Parson and our partners in agriculture on this historic evening. By putting pen to paper, Senate Bill 391 allows farm families the opportunity to invest in their operations with uniform, science-based regulations as a guide at the state level.

“After more than a decade of attempts to address economic obstacles caused by a patchwork of unfounded county ordinances, the stars aligned with the right leadership, at the right place, at the right time. Gov. Mike Parson took a stand for agriculture, championing this effort. Sens. Dave Schatz and Caleb Rowden shepherded this priority through the Senate with the unflappable focus of the bill sponsor, Sen. Mike Bernskoetter. In the House, Rep. Mike Haffner coordinated an irrefutable contingent of supporters, as House Speaker Elijah Haahr, Pro Tem John Wiemann, and Floor Leader Rob Vescovo, oversaw the priority to its positive conclusion.

“As our chief agriculture champion, we appreciate Gov. Parson making Senate Bill 391 a top priority. Missouri corn growers are also grateful for the opportunity to fight alongside our partners with the shared goal of growing our markets and adding value to our products here at home.”

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SB 391

Photo Caption: Senate Bill 391 crossed the finish line with the signature of Governor Mike Parson. Industry representatives including MCGA President Mark Scott attended the ceremonial signing, celebrating the measure's success. 
Photo Credit: Missouri Corn Growers Association

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