Kirby Named Missouri Corn Merchandising Council Chairman
(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.)–Kyle Kirby of Liberal, Mo., assumed the role of Missouri Corn Merchandising Council (MCMC) chairman effective Oct. 1. Elected during the organization’s August board meeting, Kirby succeeded Gary Porter of Mercer, Mo.
Kirby previously served the state’s growers as MCMC vice chairman, secretary and treasurer as well as Missouri Corn Growers Association vice president and secretary/treasurer. Kirby also represents corn farmers nationally, currently serving on the National Corn Growers Association Feed, Food and Industrial Action Team.
“MCMC has had great leadership over the years thanks to growers willing to be involved and make a difference,” said Kirby. “As we look to the year head, Missouri Corn is responsible for exploring new market opportunities, as we wade through the state’s second largest corn crop in history.”
The MCMC board of directors is comprised of 14 farmers elected from across the state. This volunteer board was formed in 1984 with the passage of a corn checkoff and is committed to market development, research and education. To learn more about the corn industry in Missouri, visit
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Photo Caption: Kyle Kirby, a corn farmer from Liberal, Mo., was elected Missouri Corn Merchandising Council chairman during an August board meeting. Kirby succeeds Gary Porter, a grower from Mercer, Mo., effective Oct. 1.