Growers Complete CornRoots Leadership Academy
(JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.)–A select group of seven farmers graduated from the Missouri CornRoots Leadership Academy July 21 while in Washington, D.C., completing the third leg of the academy. Sponsored by the Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) and Missouri Corn Merchandising Council (MCMC), the program is designed to identify future grower-leaders and provide them tools to increase grassroots involvement.
The fifth Missouri CornRoots Leadership Academy class culminated with visits to Missouri’s congressional offices. Participants began the program in December, taking part in sessions focused on the value of grassroots, effective leadership, public speaking, policy involvement and media training. The growers also visited the Missouri State Capitol in January to gain a better understanding of the policy process and how to effectively communicate with urban and rural legislators.
“Strong grassroots involvement is and always has been the foundation of our success,” said MCGA President Morris Heitman, a corn farmer from Mound City, Mo. “The CornRoots program provides individuals with the tools and techniques to strengthen grassroots efforts and ensure their voice is heard on issues impacting our industry.”
Graduates of the 2015-16 Missouri CornRoots Leadership Academy are:
- Doug Ludwig, Jackson, Mo.
- Nathan White, Norborne, Mo.
- Donnie Hays, Monroe City, Mo.
- Brad Arnold, Drexel, Mo.
- Tom Vehige, Wentzville, Mo.
- Joshlin Yoder, Leonard, Mo.
- Tyler Wehde, Winfield, Mo.
Applications for the 2016-17 Missouri CornRoots Leadership Academy are available at For more information on the program, contact MCGA Associate Director of Public Policy Samantha Davis at (800) 827-4181 or Learn more about Missouri Corn programs at
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Photo Caption: Graduates of the 2015-16 CornRoots Leadership Academy included (l-r) Nathan White of Norborne; Doug Ludwig of Jackson; Tyler Wehde of Winfield; Joshlin Yoder of Leonard; Donnie Hays of Monroe City; Brad Arnold of Drexel and Tom Vehige of Wentzville.
Photo Credit: Missouri Corn